“ apricot sauce ” 4 Results

You can make a really delicious sauce with sweet and sour apricot preserve and honey.
Chicken thighs, Salt & pepper, Paprika, Olive oil, Chicken stock, Apricot preserve (jam), Honey, Garlic, Soy sauce, Thyme, Lemon juice, Spring onion
Simple - just put in the oven.
Chicken thighs on the bone, Coriander, Sauce:, Apricot jam, Lemon juice, Soy sauce
The sweet refreshing sauce really makes this dish.
Cauliflower, Chicken soup, Ripe apricot, Mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, Mild curry powder or garam masala, Lemon juice, Salt & pepper
Rose Wine
This is a great recipe for delicious walnuts wrapped in lovely sticky ricecake.
How to make Ricecakes (4 pieces), Glutinous rice, Potato starch, Granulated sugar, Firm tofu, Water, How to make Walnut paste (for 2 pieces), Roasted walnuts (180C for 10-12 minutes), Brown sugar, Mirin, Soy sauce, Dried apricot, How to make Walnut & Bean paste (for 2 pieces), Roasted walnuts , Azuki bean paste, Crushed walnuts, Vegetable oil for frying